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ARU and IRU (ある / いる)
Existence, there is/there are, to have, to be, to exist |
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Suffix SAN (さん)
Mister, Miss, Mrs. |
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Particle KA (か)
Ask a question, interrogative form |
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Particle NO (の)
Possession, origin, possessive adjectives |
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Basic construction
Japanese sentence, particle WA |
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Particle MO (も)
Too, also, as well |
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Interrogative pronoun NANI / NAN (何)
What, Which |
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Basic personal pronouns
I, you, he, she, we, you, they |
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How to count in Japanese
Counters, Hitotsu system |
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-MASU (-ます) -MASEN (-ません) -MASHITA (-ました)
Verbs and polite form, politeness |
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Interrogative pronoun DOKO (どこ)
Where, which place |
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Japanese adjectives
Adjectives, semi-adjectives, keiyoushi |
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Copula DA / DESU (だ / です)
Be, auxiliary, politeness |
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MOU and MADA (もう / まだ)
Already, still, not yet, no longer, no more |
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SUKI and KIRAI (好き / 嫌い)
to like, to love, to dislike, to hate |
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vConj + TAI (-たい)
Will, to want to do, I want to do |
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vConj + TAGARU (たがる)
Will, to want to do, he wants to |
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Intensity of adjectives
Not at all, not much, a little, very, really, a lot |
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vDic + KOTO GA DEKIRU (ことができる)
Can, be able to, know how, capacity |
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DAROU and DESHOU (だろう / でしょう)
Supposition, probability, politeness |
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TO OMOU (と思う) / DOU OMOU (どうおもう)
I think that, to give one's opinion, to ask for someone's opinion |
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vTe + WA + IKENAI (いけない)
Forbidding, don't, not allowed to, can't |
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vDic + MAE NI (前に)
Anteriority, before doing |
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vDic + TSUMORI (つもり)
To mean to, to be going to, intention, volition |
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vConj + HAJIMERU (始める)
Start doing, begin to do |
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vConj + SUGIRU (すぎる)
Too much, not enough, excess |
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YORI / NO HOU GA / TO ONAJI NI (より / の方が / と同じように)
Comparative of superiority / inferiority /equality |
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vTe + KUDASAI (ください)
Imperative, polite query |
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Particle omission
Particles in an informal context |
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To be interested in, to have an interest in, interesting |
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vConj + NI IKU / NI KURU (に行く / に来る)
To go to do, to come to do, action and movement |
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vTe + MO II (もいい)
To allow, to ask for, don't have to, don't need to |
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JOUZU and HETA (上手 / 下手)
To be good at, to be gifted at, to be bad at |
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vTa + KOTO GA ARU (ことがある)
Experience, have already done |
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vTe + IRU (いる)
Ongoing action, state, repetitive action, in the middle of doing, durative |
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Obligation, necessity, have to, must |
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vTari + vTari + SURU (たり...たりする)
Sequence of actions, enumeration of activities |
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vConj + DASU (出す)
To start to, to begin to, sudden action |
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TOKUI and NIGATE (得意 / 苦手)
Faculty to do, to be cut out for |
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Adj + KU/NI NARU (なる)
To become, evolution, change |
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NO DA and NO DESU (のだ / のです)
Explanation, justification, subjectivity |
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HOU GA II (ほうがいい)
Preference, advice, suggestion, you should, you'd better |
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Connecting clauses
Complex sentences, actions enumeration, -te form, connective base, conjunctive base |
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ICHIBAN (一番) Superlative
Superlative, most, the best, the worst |