Themes: Japan-Activator
Monday, October 10, 2011

Audio in the Vocabulary Tool

Some time ago, I put online audio files for all "easy" words in the Vocabulary tool. My wife and I have finished checking all "medium" and "hard" words, and we have just started recording the audio files for those words. Here are the themes concerned:

  • Adjectives I, part 1
  • Adjectives I, part 2
  • Adjectives NA, part 1
  • Adjectives NA, part 2
  • Animals, others
  • Animals, insects
  • Animals, mammals
  • Animals, birds
  • Animals, fish
  • Arts, fine arts
  • Universe
  • Clothes
  • Human life
  • Town

These lists are complete, and the tool now has 2750 audio files (for about 4000 thematic words). We'll soon record the missing audio files until the application is complete. In parallel, new themes will be added soon, too.

JA Sensei... next version...

Well, there will be a cool new feature in JA Sensei upcoming version (application for your Android samrtphone). I should release it in about 2 weeks I think. I don't want to tell you more about it for now, but it will definitely be a nice surprise.

New "Culture" section on progress

I intend to add a new culture section on the site as some of you already know. I already have many articles, but most of them still need to be reviewed and even translated. I'll probably add the articles progressively instead of all of them at the same time. Some French people are helping me translate and write the articles. If you are an native English speaker, I'd be very glad if you could help me proofread some articles (or even the lessons as they might contain sometimes a few awkward English structures). So please contact me if you want to help.

Written by Raphael

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