Themes: JA Sensei
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Well, the new year is quite busy. I've just released JA Sensei 2.1. Here are the new features:



  • Hand-free mode added with English Text-to-speech system. Now drive or take the bus, and let JA Sensei ask you questions. JA Sensei can ask you vocabulary/phrases questions from English to Japanese or Japanese to English. You have a few seconds before JA Sensei gives you the answer orally. Great for people who are on the go and don't like wasting their time.  To find the feature, go to the Learning mode, and then press the student icon reading a book on the top-right corner of the screen.

KANJI Module

  • Romaji has been added to the Kanji reading info (On and Kun). Beginners should appreciate
  • Radical search has been fixed. It appeared in French only and might generate bugs when using the English version.


  • Quiz stats are now saved and can be restored. When you update JA Sensei, Android deletes all data, even your stats... This problem is gone now!
  • Fixed sluggish and freezing activity at the end of quizzes that some people could experience. Now the stats at the end of quizzes are calculated much faster and the process have been modified to respect the state of art.




The new version is available on the Android Market.

Written by Raphael

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