Themes: Japan-Activator
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New Japanese grammar sheets to improve your Japanese:

  • Superlative with 一番 (the best, the most, etc.)
  • Potential (can, be able to, know how)
  • Immediate past with ところだ (I've just done, etc.)

For  Samurai members, audio recordings are available for each example, but also 3 extra sheets:

  • Benefactive: to do something for someone (-te ageru/kureru/morau)
  • Detailed sheet about Japanese adjectives
  • Adjectives intensity

The BENEFACTIVE sheet explains a VERY common aspect of the language, and helps you understand the cultural ideas necessary to use it properly.

If you have JA Sensei, update the Grammar module:

  1. Launch JA Sensei
  2. Press Grammar > Installation

Once the module's been reinstalled, the new grammar sheets will be available.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook, there is much more to come soon...

Written by Raphael

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  Posted on Feb 27, 2014, 8:03:15 AM #3


Hello I love JA.It has been so helpful to me in Japan. When will the next lot of lesson be available(going to town etc)? i really want to print out the vocab lists so I can learn the kanji.

  Posted on Feb 21, 2014, 11:02:25 PM #2


@Niilokervinen: thank you so much for supporting JA, it's really motivating. There's more to come very soon.
  Posted on Feb 21, 2014, 10:19:40 AM #1


You do awesome work.
I come from Finland and I work as a freelance Japanese interpreter, and I just wanted to thank you for making a learning program like this.
I wish I had something like this when I started learning Japanese.
It would've saved so much time in the process!

So really, I'm more than willing to contribute and when I'm asked how to learn Japanese I always tell them about this site and the app.

I wish Japanese learners never stop learning and leveling up!
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