Themes: JA Sensei
Friday, November 1, 2019

JA Sensei version 5.2.0 is available on Google Play. As announced, this version includes 5 new reading lessons completely free of charge for Premium users. The vocabulary for each of these lessons is also available.

These reading lessons will allow you to use everything you have learned from the lessons to form real Japanese statements. You will gain confidence, and better master the proper use of words and grammatical forms.

In addition, all Samurai Unlimited users from the website can also download the JLPT N2 vocabulary. That represents 2006 words. With JLPT N3 recently added, you get more than 3500 additional words with authentic pronunciation (no text-to-speech) for each word.

I'm currently preparing the JLPT N1 vocabulary for the website in a first step, then Samurai Unlimited users will also be able to benefit from it in JA Sensei. Of course, there are also other ongoing tasks, and many new things are scheduled in the continuous improvement of JA Sensei.

Once again, thank you all for your tremendous support. There's still a lot of work ahead, but it's a real passion to know that it can help you. Let's stop talking! I need to go back to my tasks!

Have a great weekend!

Written by Raphael

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  Posted on Nov 10, 2019, 11:06:57 PM #4


Thanks, this works for me until Lesson 15. But if i remember correctly the german translation was up to lesson 23 or so, since i get stuck at that one due less time for learning. Any suggestion?
  Posted on Nov 4, 2019, 9:37:43 AM #3


I regenerated the data, could you try to choose "Italian" in the language settings, and then German again. That should force the app to reset the values fo the German language.
  Posted on Nov 3, 2019, 1:45:29 AM #2


Thanks for improving, i do really appreciate your app! With the new update i do have the problem with the german version. All lessons and translations are back in english, restart and reinstall didn't help, any suggestions?
  Posted on Nov 2, 2019, 4:06:16 AM #1


Thank you very much for constantely improving Ja Sensei!
But why, after an update, Always a lot of already translated (German) words are again in english?
Or do I something wrong?
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