Japanese lessons

Japan Activator Japanese lessons are ordered by difficulty. You can access the lessons below freely.

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Outdoors with the Yamadas

- hope and wish with "-BA II"
- regret with "BA + YOKATTA"
- preparatory action with "-TE + OKU"
- Culture: Hiking in Japan
Check out the latest version of the lesson online.


- planned action with YOTEI
- "every time" and habitual action with TABI NI
- conditional in -TO
- Culture: Volunteering in Japan
Check out the latest version of the lesson online.

Taking care of a pet

- simultaneous actions with NAGARA
- uncertainty or possibility with KA MO SHIRENAI
- reciprocal actions with AU
- counters HIKI and TOU for animals
- Culture: Hachiko, the faithful dog
Check out the latest version of the lesson online.

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