Japanese lessons

Japan Activator Japanese lessons are ordered by difficulty. You can access the lessons below freely.

Members (free) also have a text for each lesson, along with a vocabulary list, and a cultural section to learn more about the Japanese customs. They can also take tests to win points. The more points you have, the better ranked you get.

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Going to the cinema

- omitting particles in oral
- adverb construction
- "to want to do" with -TAI
- giving an order with -NASAI
- Culture: The manga phenomenon
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Reading: Mothers Day

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Coming of age ceremony

- explaining with NO DESU
- Japanese dates
- counters 年月日
- Culture: Coming of Age Day
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Do your homework!

- permission with -TE MO II
- after doing with -TE KARA
- particle DAKE
- Culture: Homework in Japan
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Preparing Takuya's bento

- nominalization with NO/KOTO
- prohibit with -TE WA DAME
- KUN and CHAN suffixes
- Culture: Homemade bento
Check out the latest version of the lesson online.

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