lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

When one starts to learn Japanese, a good thing to do is to quickly learn Kanas. The site already offers a tool to read them efficiently. But if you really want to master Hiraganas and Katakanas, it's important to know how to draw them too.

So I propose a tool that will make you save much time. Instead of wasting your time scanning several times a table containing all Kanas, type the whole word directly, or even a sentence, and then the tool will display the required Kanas with the stroke order indications ! The perfect tool to assist you.
Katakanas are not available yet, I'll add them progressively along with other features.
To reach the tool, in the menu on your menu click Exercises > Writing > Kana

When one starts to learn Japanese, a good thing to do is to quickly master Kanas. The site already offers a tool to read them efficiently. But if you really want to know Hiraganas and Katakanas at your fingertips, it's important to know how to draw them too.

So I propose a tool that will make you save much time. Instead of wasting your time scanning several times a table containing all Kanas, type the whole word directly, or even a sentence, and then the tool will display the required Kanas with the stroke order indications ! The perfect tool to assist you.

Katakanas are not available yet, I'll add them progressively along with other features.

To reach the tool, in the menu on your menu click Exercises > Writing > Kana

Escrito por Raphael

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