jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Several people requested me to add some tools to learn Kanji more effeciently. I'm happy to inform you that I've added a new Kanji Dictionary online. You can find it on the right side of the screen, in the tool box. I let you discover its functionalities.

In the same time, I wanted the tool to be more useful to you, so I wanted stroke orders to be available too, but God knows how much time it takes to create animations for so many Kanji. Instead of that, I got in touch with James Rose from the site KanjiCafe to get a license to integrate the collection of Kanji he already created. Several members from the French community of the site wanted to support me, and eventually helped me pay for the license. Thanks to them, you can now enjoy the tool too.

Escrito por Raphael

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