domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

I've recorded 512 new vocabulary audio files with my wife. All sounds will soon be integrated.

Here are the themes concerned:

  • Human-Being - Health
  • Human-Being - Behavior
  • Human-Being - Body
  • Human-Being - Movement
  • Human-Being - Senses
  • Human-Being - Feelings
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables

Thanks to this work, vocabulary audio quizzes will be possible later with new learning tools

Aside from that, I've received much help from French members to edit and proofread Japanese cultural articles written in French. Once this job is done, I'll have them progressively translated into English to add them in the new Culture section that I mean to integrate soon. But I've also original and interesting articles written in English that will already give you much to read until all other articles are translated.

This week (and maybe next week, too), I'll be busy working on the next version of JA Sensei. My wife and I will also go on recording audio files.

Escrito por Raphael

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