lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

The module for Japanese verbs seems to meet your expectations because it has been quite a success since its release last month. So I mean to improve it with new features that will help you organize your work.

The first new feature concerns the conjugation. The tool will now also give you the durative / progressive form. This is the form that let you translate "be doing something". It is quite simple to use for anyone knowing a little Japanese, but it will also be quite useful for beginners.

The other important feature is the detailed Kanji information for each Kanji employed in a verb. Simply click on a button, and a Kanji dictionary will pop up displaying all the data. Screenshots below are in French, but of course the module is 100% in English, don't worry.

As you've noticed, 考 is automatically found. Now you can:

  • See examples to know where this Kanji is used
  • See stroke order to learn how to write the Kanji correctly
  • Add the Kanji to your personal list to print a writing training paper for instance (have a look at the Kanji module)


Escrito por Raphael

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