sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

6 new grammatical documents

6 new documents have been added to the Grammar module. They are free, and audio samples are available for all Samurai members. The documents cover the following topics:

  • vTe + Kuremasen ka - to ask for something
  • vTe + Moraemasen ka - to ask for something politely
  • vTe + Itakadakemasen ka - to ask for something very politely
  • vTe + Aru - Passive, result of an action
  • Yori/no hou ga - comparative of superiority
  • You - to seem

JA Sensei version 2.6.1 and updated Grammar module

I've released a new version of JA Sensei, which essentially fixes several issues that some users came across. It can be downloaded from Google Play.

For all users who bought JA Sensei, please update the Grammar module to have all the latest documents always with you.

Escrito por Raphael

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