viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

We had been working on it for 3 months! I've just put online the new Reading Assistant.

The idea is to give you the opportunity to read and understand read Japanese texts without the help of a teacher to explain to you the meaning and structures. You can also listen to the text while reading (playing speed rate adjustable), just like you do with audio books, and click on any sentence to listen to it and get a thorough analysis.

By "thorough analysis", I mean:

  • Used vocabulary
  • Detail for each Kanji
  • Grammatical documents to explain the structures
  • Documents for particles
  • Documents for counters
  • Additional comments when needed

A background audio ambience has been added to the texts to make you feel part of the stories. I advice you to listen to them with earphones to get the most out of it.

The website has provided many tools to work your Japanese by "elements" so far, I mean by word, particle, Kanji, etc. With the new Reading Assistant, Japan Activator takes a new direction where you'll be able to learn natural Japanese. Instead of learning by heart many elements, put into practice immediately and develop your competencies.

When you feel at ease, take the quiz to assess yourself. But to pass it you'll need to make less than 4 mistakes, otherwise you'll have to read it again. There will be various texts for all levels, but if you know absolutely nothing about the Japanese language, you'd better spend some time in the lessons section first.

For the time being, the Reading Assistant has 5 texts, and we are already working on new ones, especially the end of Kenta's story.

Check out this new tool!

Escrito por Raphael

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