Temas: JA Sensei
viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

I'm very happy to announce that JA Sensei now utilizes the full potential of large devices. This version kept me busy for some time, but you'll really be able to take advantage of the new layouts available.

Some of you may already have updated JA Sensei to version 3 because I released it one week ago. But since there exist so many devices running on Android, I wanted to be sure the new version could adapt well on all devices. Some people let me know that they had issues with 7" devices, so I bought a 7" device to test JA Sensei thoroughly. If you were concerned, install the new version (3.0.2).

Several bugs have also been fixed and audio files have been added to the "At the hotel" lesson. Don't wait and try the new version.

JA Sensei is quite large, and not all the app has been optimized for tablets yet. More layouts will be optimized for the next release.

If you have any issues with the new version, I'd really appreciate your feedback. Most of the time I can help, and I try to answer quickly, so don't hesitate. And if you enjoy this new version, don't forget to rate it and leave a comment on Google Play just like 10,000 other people already did!!

Escrito por Raphael

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