domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Since the beginning of the year, much free content has been added on the site. Today, I wish to thank once again those who help the site thanks to the Samurai access. I try my best to keep a balance between the free content for people who can't contribute, and the extra content to motivate members to help the site.

There has already been a wealth of news in 2012, with 60 documents on Japanese particles and about 50 thorough grammar documents (many more to come soon). Such a fast creation pace comes with a cost, and has been possible only by reinvesting a part of the money from your contributions. So the success of this system is essential for the site existence and development. It's becoming harder and harder for websites to remain free for a long time nowadays without any financial income to pay for the hosting and development fees.

Today, the Samurai account is put forward to reach the objectives. New vocabulary lists have been added in the vocabulary themes for all Samurai members. Here are the 3 new lists:

  • Cars - General
  • Cars - Driving
  • Cars - Parts

That represents 201 new words to learn in a known context so that you can be sure to use them in the right situations. Comments have been added when necessary to provide cultural info.

Naturally the audio samples for these words have been added too. In addition to that, the audio samples have been added for the Transportation theme as well. In total, you get 201 + 111 extra audio files to train your ears.

Let me know about your opinion by leaving comments. You also get contribution points this way and make the site more dynamic.

Escrito por Raphael

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