domingo, 20 de mayo de 2012

I'm happy to announce that 32 grammar articles now have audio files to read and listen to examples. Of course I'll add more articles with the audio files.

These audio clips can help you learn in different ways. They can help you read kanji and kana in a more interactive way than by simply reading romaji, but you can also practice oral expression, and aural understanding. It's up to you to choose how to exploit this new content to its fullest.

To access this feature, log in and click "Lessons > Grammar" in the menu. Here are a few articles that already have the audio available:

  • Aru / Iru (be / have / there is)
  • Mae ni (before doing)
  • Chuu / Juu (during)
  • Kyoumi ga aru (to be interested by)
  • Mou / Mada (already, not yet)
  • Etc.

After adding much free content, I've decided to give this new feature only to Sumarai members, because it's important that everybody helps in a way or in another so that the site development can go on, and in the right direction. So if you want to help, you can get a Samurai account.

Escrito por Raphael

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