Temas: JA Sensei
jueves, 5 de julio de 2018

JA Sensei version 4.6.7 is now available on Google Play. This version brings much improvement on the vocabulary quiz following the messages you sent me. Here are the new features:

  • Vocabulary: during quizzes, possibility to display several Japanese writings and to get audio support
  • Aural comprehension: added possibility to unlock the script without validating the quiz
  • Kana: fixed inadequate grid for compound kana during writing quizzes
  • Improved the integration of one's profile's picture (didn't work on some devices anymore)
  • Fixed the German interface mistakes (thanks a lot Florian!)
  • Fixed sluggish vertical scroll on some pages (grammar, particles, etc.)
  • Fixed: some users with Android 4 couldn't connect to their account anymore

Please leave a comment on Google Play to let me know what you think of JA Sensei and to encourage me to develop more features.

Escrito por Raphael

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