Noticias |
Very soon, the big summertime news...
por Raphael
It's been almost almost a month since I last posted some news on the site, and the reason is simple, some big news has been under development for about 3 months. And for sure, it will be a huge surprise, even a shock for some people... I should manage to put that updated work online by the end of next week. Don't miss the appointment!
I've also create a page on Twitter for the activities of the site. I'll tweet news on works and activities undertaken on the site on a regular basis. There'll be messages in French and English depeding on to whom I'm addressing my messages, so feel free to speak in English, don't feel disturbed if you see any French message, and join the conversations. That will be an unvaluable tool to communicate easily with you.
If you have a Twitter account, you can already follow me. Your participation is one of the major factors of success for all projects on the website, so be prompt to visit the Twitter page and subscribe to it. Thanks a lot!
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