Temas: JA Sensei
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021

JA Sensei Version 5.4.2

A brand new Quiz is available for the Verbs module. It will allow you to practice dozens of verbal structures for all Ichidan and Godan verb endings.

You can answer by typing on a keyboard. But if you want to go faster and improve your oral fluency, speech recognition also allows you to answer by speaking.


Practicing these verbal constructions is very important to improve your Japanese expression. It is imperative to repeat them regularly and intensively so that they become natural. It may seem difficult at first, but as you progress, it becomes easier. The more difficult it is, the more it reveals the gaps that need to be filled, and is an opportunity to progress.

The tool doesn't contain statistics to track your results, yet. That feature will be implemented soon. I preferred to make the tool available as is, so that you could take advantage of it as soon as possible.

Download JA Sensei directly from Google Play, and don't forget to rate and comment the application to support it and encourage its development.

Thanks for your support, and take care!

Escrito por Raphael

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