jueves, 27 de febrero de 2025

Let's keep the Momentum Going! 🚀

The lessons continue to expand with the addition of 3 new lessons. Since the end of September, this represents 15 new lessons and 73 exercises.

👉 Available now on the website and in the new version of the JA Sensei app (version 5.9.5b).

Presentation of the 3 new Japanese lessons:

Lesson 1 Outdoors with the Yamadas
Lesson 2 Volunteering
Lesson 3 Taking Care of a Pet

Improvement of the JA Sensei Lessons Module ✨

The new version of JA Sensei offers a better experience in the Lessons module:

  • Complete Dialogue Analysis: each sentence is detailed to better understand its structure, just like in the Dialogues module.
  • New Vocabulary Management: the vocabulary page now integrates advanced tools from the Vocabulary module (example sentences for each word, kanji analysis, writing practice, review tracking, personal list management, etc.).

💡 All of this is available immediately for Premium users... for free!

Become a Premium or Samurai Unlimited Member? 📢

Not a Premium member in JA Sensei yet? Your support helps add content and new tools. A very reasonable one-time price for a HUGE amount of content!

Already Premium? The Samurai Unlimited offer unlocks even more content! Your support helps fund the development of additional content, translations, authentic audio recordings, content review by native speakers, image rights, etc.

🚨 Bug in version 5.9.5? Here’s the solution! 🚨

A last-minute bug slipped into version 5.9.5, preventing access to personal vocabulary lists. Update to version 5.9.5b to fix the issue!

Escrito por Raphael

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