jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

¡Hola! I'm happy to announce that the interface for Japan-Activator is now available in Spanish.

By interface, it means all the menus and navigation instructions on the site. The content in itself (lessons, documents), are still in English and French only, but it's only a matter of time. 80% of the progressive lessons have already been translated and will be available soon, too.

One month ago, I sent an email to Spanish speaking members to know if they wanted to have Japan-Activator in Spanish, and if they wanted to help. This is how a dynamic group of about 20 people started working on the new version. So this work has been possible only thanks to them, and I want to thank them. Here is a list of these members: 

Koprolitho MrMstislav
AlexCuria Toriamos
Fogya Tonigd
Karuchan1992 Orbatos
Cfranch Dprodge
Viva_vivaldi 3734849
Juan_ramon roden0
wampiro Raios
Nobutaka Yamazaki  

If you are in the list and wish to have your full name displayed, simply let me know. For privacy matters I didn't want to go beyond my rights.

So the next step will involve the integration of the progressive lessons, which is already a huge work in itself. After that, other sections might be translated depending on the interest of all Spanish speaking members.

Escrito por Raphael

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