Themes: Japan-Activator

Happy New Year 2016, everybody! I'll still need a few days to be again more productive after the holidays. Anyway, I hope everything went well for all of you.

Before the new situations are added to the Illustrated Situations tool (very soon), I've reworked the whole vocabulary of each situation. The objective is to let you learn words encountered in the situations directly into the new Vocabulary tool that was released last October.

You'll be able to:

  • Listen to an audio recording for each word (very soon)
  • Learn the words with the smart SRS system that manages your personal progress and your review sessions (soon)
  • Read comments and add your own ones for each word (already partially implemented)
  • Track your vocabulary stats for the situations (very soon)
  • Get a detailed view for each kanji used in the words (already implemented)

All the vocabulary of the main tools on the website will then be available from the new vocabulary tool.

Ecrit par Raphael

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