EVERYTHING to learn Japanese!

Progressive Japanese lessons

Let yourself be guided, especially if you are a beginner, by these rich and entertaining Japanese lessons. Texts, vocabulary lists, grammatical and cultural explanation, everything is here to learn Japanese step by step. A quiz at the end of each lesson lets you check what you've learned.

Japanese lessons 1
Introduction to the Japanese Language
Japanese lessons 2
Japanese pronunciation
Japanese lessons 3
Nice to meet you
Japanese lessons 4
My nationality, my address and my job
Japanese lessons 5
My family
Japanese lessons 6
Introduction to Kanji
Japanese lessons 7
Going to town
Japanese lessons 8
Asking one's way
Japanese lessons 9
At the clothes shop
Japanese lessons 10
At the library
Japanese lessons 11
Fruits at the supermarket
Japanese lessons 12
Taking a bath
Japanese lessons 13
What I like and what I don't
Japanese lessons 14
Human body
Japanese lessons 15
Reading: Mr. Matsumoto's day
Japanese lessons 16
My house
Japanese lessons 17
Ticket office at the station
Japanese lessons 18
Reading: Mark goes to the library
Japanese lessons 19
How is the weather?
Japanese lessons 20
At the hotel
Japanese lessons 21
Reading: How was your trip?
Japanese lessons 22
Getting ready before learning Japanese verbs
Japanese lessons 23
Japanese verbs - part 1
Japanese lessons 24
Japanese verbs - part 2
Japanese lessons 25
Japanese verbs - part 3
Japanese lessons 26
Going to the restaurant
Japanese lessons 27
Sushi with family
Japanese lessons 28
Reading: Lets Go and Play Tennis
Japanese lessons 29
Thief! Part 1
Japanese lessons 30
Thief! Part 2
Japanese lessons 31
Going to the cinema
Japanese lessons 32
Reading: Mothers Day
Japanese lessons 33
Coming of age ceremony
Japanese lessons 34
Do your homework!
Japanese lessons 35
Preparing Takuya's bento
Japanese lessons 36
Reading: Making an appointment
Japanese lessons 37
Karaoke tonight
Japanese lessons 38
Year-end cleaning
Japanese lessons 39
Ski holidays
Japanese lessons 40
Japanese lessons 41
New Year in Japan
Japanese lessons 42
New Year Card
Japanese lessons 43
The Japanese floral art
Japanese lessons 44
Looking for a flat
Japanese lessons 45
To be on a diet
Japanese lessons 46
Traditional festival
Japanese lessons 47
Kyoto, the historical city
Japanese lessons 48
Trip to Osaka
Japanese lessons 49
Chocolate only for men
Japanese lessons 50
Theater tickets
Japanese lessons 51
Preparing for moving out
Japanese lessons 52
Initial administrative procedures
Japanese lessons 53
Moving into the new apartment
Japanese lessons 54
Meeting Mr. Tanaka
Japanese lessons 55
Meeting Mrs. Kobayashi
Japanese lessons 56
Solving initial problems
Japanese lessons 57
Outdoors with the Yamadas
Japanese lessons 58
Japanese lessons 59
Taking care of a pet

Get introduced to the Japanese writing systems

Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji, here are the three Japanese writing systems! Start by learning the Hiragana and Katakana at the very beginning of your Japanese learning. Once this first step is finished, learn the Kanji. Interactive exercises let you win learning points and progress: you start as a white belt, 0 points. Do you have what it takes to become a Sensei?

Listen and read Japanese easily

Japanese audiobooks! Yes, but not only audiobooks. The Assisted Reading tool is exceptional: click any sentence to listen to it, and get a list of all the words used in the sentence along with grammatical info, verb conjugation, and much more. Much better than a Japanese lesson, a real immersion into the Japanese language.

Japanese Audiobook 1
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 1
Japanese Audiobook 2
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 2
Japanese Audiobook 3
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 3
Japanese Audiobook 4
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 4
Japanese Audiobook 5
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 5
Japanese Audiobook 6
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 6
Japanese Audiobook 7
Usagi-san: An Unexpected Hero 7
Japanese Audiobook 8
The Strange Encounter of Kenta 1
Japanese Audiobook 9
The Strange Encounter of Kenta 2
Japanese Audiobook 10
The Strange Encounter of Kenta 3
Japanese Audiobook 11
The Strange Encounter of Kenta 4
Japanese Audiobook 12
The Strange Encounter of Kenta 5
Japanese Audiobook 13
Don't be late for the meeting!
Japanese Audiobook 14
Tomoko's Diary
Japanese Audiobook 15
City or Country?
Japanese Audiobook 16
Barbecue with Friends
Japanese Audiobook 17
Yumi 1: Not easy to be a father...
Japanese Audiobook 18
Yumi 2: I want a tablet!
Japanese Audiobook 19
Cultural Experience in Japan 1
Japanese Audiobook 20
Cultural Experience in Japan 2

Enrich your Japanese vocabulary

Japan Activator contains thousands of words with audio pronunciation to train your ear and help you to speak Japanese the right way from the beginning. Also listed here are the words that you will come across in the Progressive Japanese Lessons. The interactive tools let you learn and repeat your Japanese vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is one of the most important factors in mastering a foreign language.

Complete Japanese grammar

A real gold mine for anyone willing to learn Japanese and go beyond the beginner level. This section uses examples and audio samples to explain numerous grammatical Japanese patterns. These documents on Japanese grammar are sorted by ranks (belts), and JLPT levels (Japanese Language Proficiency Test).

Japanese grammar 1
ARU and IRU (ある / いる)
Japanese grammar 2
Suffix SAN (さん)
Japanese grammar 3
Particle KA (か)
Japanese grammar 4
Particle NO (の)
Japanese grammar 5
Basic construction
Japanese grammar 6
Particle MO (も)
Japanese grammar 7
Interrogative pronoun NANI / NAN (何)
Japanese grammar 8
Basic personal pronouns
Japanese grammar 9
How to count in Japanese
Japanese grammar 10
-MASU (-ます) -MASEN (-ません) -MASHITA (-ました)
Japanese grammar 11
Interrogative pronoun DOKO (どこ)
Japanese grammar 12
Japanese adjectives
Japanese grammar 13
Copula DA / DESU (だ / です)
Japanese grammar 14
MOU and MADA (もう / まだ)
Japanese grammar 15
SUKI and KIRAI (好き / 嫌い)
Japanese grammar 16
vConj + TAI (-たい)
Japanese grammar 17
vConj + TAGARU (たがる)
Japanese grammar 18
Intensity of adjectives
Japanese grammar 19
CHUU and JUU (中)
Japanese grammar 20
vDic + KOTO GA DEKIRU (ことができる)
Japanese grammar 21
DAROU and DESHOU (だろう / でしょう)
Japanese grammar 22
TO OMOU (と思う) / DOU OMOU (どうおもう)
Japanese grammar 23
vTe + WA + IKENAI (いけない)
Japanese grammar 24
vDic + MAE NI (前に)
Japanese grammar 25
vDic + TSUMORI (つもり)
Japanese grammar 26
vConj + HAJIMERU (始める)
Japanese grammar 27
vConj + SUGIRU (すぎる)
Japanese grammar 28
YORI / NO HOU GA / TO ONAJI NI (より / の方が / と同じように)
Japanese grammar 29
vTe + KUDASAI (ください)
Japanese grammar 30
Particle omission
Japanese grammar 31
Japanese grammar 32
vConj + NI IKU / NI KURU (に行く / に来る)
Japanese grammar 33
vTe + MO II (もいい)
Japanese grammar 34
JOUZU and HETA (上手 / 下手)
Japanese grammar 35
vTa + KOTO GA ARU (ことがある)
Japanese grammar 36
vTe + IRU (いる)
Japanese grammar 37
Japanese grammar 38
vTari + vTari + SURU (たり...たりする)
Japanese grammar 39
vConj + DASU (出す)
Japanese grammar 40
TOKUI and NIGATE (得意 / 苦手)
Japanese grammar 41
Adj + KU/NI NARU (なる)
Japanese grammar 42
NO DA and NO DESU (のだ / のです)
Japanese grammar 43
HOU GA II (ほうがいい)
Japanese grammar 44
Connecting clauses
Japanese grammar 45
ICHIBAN (一番) Superlative

Improve your skills in Japanese

Because some aspects of the Japanese language are specific to that language and harder to learn, Japan Activator offers specific modules. Modules for Japanese counters and Japanese numbers teach you how to count in Japanese, and you'll be quick to realize that it's not always the same as in English. Get introduced to the Japanese particles, Japanese adjectives and Japanese verbs, too.

So you can finally visit Japan?

No time to dive into all the ins and outs of the Japanese language? Are you soon leaving for Japan, but you'd still enjoy getting by a little in Japanese? The phrasebook holds more than 900 common phrases grouped by everyday life's themes. To help you learn these Japanese phrases and sentences, an exercise is used that keeps you focused by asking you written or oral questions.

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