
As you know, Japan has been hit by an important earthquake. The region around Sendai is mainly concerned. The disaster toll is so far estimated at 1,000 people, but unfortunately much more is to be expected. My wife's family lives on the western coast of Japan and I thank God they are still...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
3 1
11 年 2 月 25 日 Kanji module for JA Sensei by Raphael

I've just published the new version of JA Sensei on the Android Market. It not integrates the Kanji module! The first version of JA Sensei has been installed more than 500 times in one week and users have rated it 4.87/5 so far. I let you discover the new features. The application is available...   read more

Themes: JA Sensei
3 0

01:51, JA Sensei is born... what a feeling of satisfaction to be able to publish the very first version of my application for the Android smartphones. I spent a very intense month and a half developping and debugging it, and it's now available with the first module Hiragana / Katakana...   read more

Themes: JA Sensei
3 1
11 年 1 月 17 日 5 new lessons !!! by Raphael

It was a huge work to get them all finished, but here are five new great lessons to reach a new level! Ticket office at the station - count objects (counters) - read the time - kurai / gurai - dochira - "to want to do" - Culture: puntuality - Culture: means of transport How is the...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
3 2
11 年 1 月 15 日 How to get started? by Raphael

I often see beginners asking the same questions when they start learning Japanese. It's true that it's not always easy to get organized by ourselves as the Japanese language can be so different from what we know. So I've added a small picture right above the main menu so that it can bee seen...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0

First of all, let me wish you a Happy New Year '11. I hope that you'll all get well and successful.   Thanks to Facebook, I wish to let English speaking people know about Japan-Activator. The site has existed since 2006 in French, but I released an English version last year. So I do hope...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
3 0
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JA Sensei

Learn Japanese even when you are out.

JA Sensei is the new application for Android smartphones. Already 150000 downloads and rated 4.7/5 by users! (June 2012)

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Featured in Mobiles Magazine !
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