
I've updated the Kanji dictionary tool. Now when you search a Kanji, not only the list of matching Kanjis will appear, but also a button "See examples" next to each result that will let you see a list of words using the...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0
10 年 12 月 24 日 Happy Holidays! by Raphael

I wish you all a Happy Holiday Season! Last january, I opened English version of the site and much as been done since then: Almost all lessons have been translated into English A kanji dictionary has been added along with an Eng<>Jap dictionary Live Chat system to ask question to other...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0
10 年 11 月 25 日 Kanji Dictionary is online ! by Raphael

Several people requested me to add some tools to learn Kanji more effeciently. I'm happy to inform you that I've added a new Kanji Dictionary online. You can find it on the right side of the screen, in the tool box. I let you discover its functionalities. In the same time, I wanted the tool to be...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0

Katakana Here they are! The Kana writing exercise was already displaying Hiragana, and now it also integrated Katakana. As a reminder, you only need to type a word in romaji, and it will automatically be translated into Hiragana and Katakana showing the stroke orders if needed. It is the perfect...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
5 0
10 年 11 月 8 日 Kana improvement by Raphael

New Kana Document A new document has been added in the Multimedia section in the menu on the left. It provides thorough information to learn the basic writing systems : Hiragana and Katakana. If you are a beginner, the document is really of interest as it will help you learn how to read and...   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0
10 年 10 月 18 日 How to write Kanas... by Raphael

When one starts to learn Japanese, a good thing to do is to quickly learn Kanas. The site already offers a tool to read them efficiently. But if you really want to master Hiraganas and Katakanas, it's important to know how to draw them too. So I propose a tool that will make you save much time....   read more

Themes: Japan-Activator
4 0
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